jeudi 6 août 2009


isn't it funny to see so many computers in my office, after i said that i didn't have one anymore?
actually, my own laptop had a virus, a dead battery and was over-full, but it works more or less now. a colleague also lent me one, and my boss brought one from france. so now, i'm trying to transfer and save all my data, reason why you can see 4 laptops and lots of cables!

as i forgot to show the clothes i made here (just 1 example, i have mays 4 of them now :)

Clothilde, a volunteer, is moving. carrying furniture like fridge, cupboard, beds and tables with just one 4WD was an experience!

especially when the furniture dont go throuth the staircase and that you have to drop it from the balcony!

local child toy

sugar canes, very appreciated by kids as by adults:


you're never bored when you drive behind a bike! (same for cars and buses actually)

Foto's waterfalls

view of Dschang:

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