Alors que le pays s'insurge contre le viol d'une étudiante par un gang de jeunes dans un bus, et que le débat s'enflamme autour de la question de la peine de mort pour cet acte, rares sont ceux à comprendre le vrai problème et chercher à le corriger à la source...
As women assert their identity and enter his bastions of power, the traditional Indian male is reacting with violence.
Even as the world remains shocked and horrified by the gunning down of
20 little children in Newtown, Connecticut, we need to turn some of that
shock and horror toward our own selves. The gang rape in the capital of
a paramedical student, who lies in critical condition in hospital,
should more than just outrage us. Rape is not simply about law and
order, or about deranged individuals. Nor is the problem going to be
solved by more laws, more police on our streets, more CCTV cameras on
our buses or stiffer sentences for rapists. The gang rapes that are
occurring with alarming regularity must compel us to reflect upon who we
are as a society.
Just like the killing of young innocents is forcing Americans to address
the societal reasons for such violence and not just blame one
individual, Indians need to understand that gang rape is not just an
aberration committed by inhuman men. We need to address how we as a
society are implicated in producing such appalling levels of violence
against women, which is increasingly being tolerated and even
normalised. As women enter the work place and the public arena, their
boldness and confidence seem to trigger a sense of insecurity in a
society where men are used to being in charge. While it is impossible to
reduce the issue of violence to one sole cause, that is men, the fact
remains that young men are the ones committing these crimes. These
include the 2003 gang rape of a 17-year-old Delhi University student in
Buddha Jayanti Park; the Dhaula Kuan gang rape in 2005 in a moving car
of a student from Mizoram; and the 2010 gang rape of a young BPO
employee from the north-east.
Sense of displacement
We need to inquire why young Indian men are routinely committing gang
rapes in metropolitan cities against women who are just going about
their daily lives. What is the anger that motivates this level of
violence? Is the sight of a young smartly-dressed educated female
professional generating a sense of displacement in men? Over the past
several decades, women’s rights have proliferated and they are claiming
their subjectivity, asserting their identity as women as opposed to
being someone’s wife, daughter or sister. And with the opening up of the
market, women are more visible in the workplace. That they are entering
male bastions of power has challenged the sense of superiority and
entitlement of the traditional Indian male.
This idea of a woman as a fully formed human subject remains a difficult concept to embrace.
Even those who are ostensibly in favour of women’s rights such as the
National Commission of Women and the Department of Women and Child
Development, continue to refer to women as vulnerable objects and
discuss the issue of violence against women in highly protectionist
Built for bias
What is required at this stage is not more protection and security, but
education. (Dieu merci, enfin quelqu'un qui réfléchit...). The grooming of young men to have a feeling of entitlement by
Indian parents breeds a sense of masculinity and male privilege. Son
preference simultaneously erodes the possibility of respect for women,
as girls are seen as unwanted or burdensome. Such inequalities produce
the very hatred against women in the public arena that we are witnessing
throughout the country. When women do not cower or display their
vulnerability — thereby inviting the protection of the virile Indian
male — what follows is a sense of emasculation and aggrievement on the
part of these men.
More law — or calls for the death sentence — are not the answer to what is a deeply ingrained societal problem.
More law will only serve to give a sense of something being done, when
in fact very little is being done. To confront the hatred that is now
manifesting itself in the most egregious ways is to move forward as a
society. We need to think about how we can handle women’s equality in
ways that are not perceived as threatening. That demands greater
responsibility on the part of parents as well as society not to raise
sons in a way in which they are indoctrinated with a sense of
superiority and privilege. There is also a need on the part of young men
to be actively involved in their schools and communities in advocating
women’s equality rights.
While these seem like long-term solutions that will do little to help
the young woman who lies in a coma in Safdarjung hospital, law reform or
hanging the perpetrators will not solve the problem. Law reforms in the
area of rape have been taking place over three decades but they do not
appear to have arrested the appalling levels of violence to which Indian
women are subjected. It is time for us to recognise how we as a society
are implicated in producing the very individuals who are perpetrating
such heinous crimes against women, and to start taking responsibility
for bringing it to an end.
(Ratna Kapur is Global Professor of Law, Jindal Global Law School, NCR)
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